Don’t get slowed down when your washing machine is broken — keep your eye out for five signs your washer needs repair.

There is never an ideal time for one of your most-used home appliances to quit working. But when your washer starts acting up or stops working altogether, your whole household routine is thrown off. Thankfully, a malfunctioning washing machine does not necessarily mean you’ll be purchasing a new unit. However, if you don’t address the issues sooner than later, you may face an expensive replacement.

Below are five signs your washing machine needs repair.

The Top 5 Signs Your Washing Machine is Broken

  1. Noisy Loads — Unless you’ve washed your clothes with pockets full of pebbles, you shouldn’t hear too much noise as your washing machine does its job. If you hear loud bangs and booms coming from your unit, it could be as simple as rearranging a load of clothing so it’s more evenly dispersed for top-loading washers. If that doesn’t seem to be the problem, reach out to a trusted appliance repair tech to take a look.
  2. The Drum is Not Spinning or Agitating — This could simply result from an unlaced load, or it could indicate a bigger problem, such as an issue with the belts or lid switch. Contact an experienced professional to handle either of the latter problems.
  3. The Drum Won’t Fill Up With Water — There are many reasons why your washing machine’s drum isn’t filling with water. It could be a kinked hose, or maybe that the faucets have been shut off. It could also be an issue with the water intake valve or a clogged washer filter. Either way, it’s time to call in a washing machine repair expert.
  4. Leaking Washing Machine — If you see puddles forming around your washer, stop using it until you figure out what is going on. It’s likely an issue with the washing machine hose or a loose connection to the water supply; both are problems that are easily addressed by a professional. Make sure to clean up the standing water as soon as possible to avoid further issues, like mold growth.
  5. Water Isn’t Draining From the Drum — At the end of each cycle, the drum should be completely empty of water. If it’s not an unevenly dispersed load of laundry to blame (again), make sure to check that your clothes aren’t wadded up and blocking the pump. If that doesn’t seem to be the problem, it could be a broken water pump or clogged drain hose. Whatever the issue is, you’ll want to call in a knowledgeable professional to take over.

Is Your Washing Machine Broken? Contact Dr. D’s Appliance Today!

If you are concerned your washing machine is broken and live in Northern Utah, contact the experts at Dr. D’s Appliance. Our knowledgeable and experienced team of technicians can provide care and maintenance for all of your household appliances. We are located in Bountiful, Utah, and serve those in Salt Lake and Davis County. Contact us today to learn more!